The one true memory i will never forget is the day my nana managed to say "i love you" just a few days before she passed away. It was one of the most amazing moments of my life. She hadn't even been talking for quite a while before that, but i know she knew how much that ment to me and how much i needed it. i love you too nana, and i think about you every day<3
Christmas dinner at my nana and papas home. he had a joke that comes out of one of those shitty little cracker things. "how did the angel say hello?" and answer was suposed to be "halo" but he decided to make it "hey there asshole". It didnt make any sense at all, but he laughed so hard he cried.. it was hilarious.
.....i will update this more as i think of the mor imporant memories and have time.
.....i will update this more as i think of the mor imporant memories and have time.

holding a grudge is letting someone live rent free in your head.
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