I need to start focusing on myself. I care to much about other people, about what they're doing, what they think.. what about me? Calling the CAPU admissions office tomorrow to make an appotiment, I have to start getting my life in order for next year. I've also joined weight watchers as of last thursday.. I'm not only hoping to loose weight but to learn healthier eating habbits. I'm just not right.. I don't feel whole and I don't know what to do to fix it. I want to meet new people, do new things, find a new boy if this one doesn't buck up(althought I'd rather he did). I'm open to anything, I want new adventures and I want them now.
Drews been calling me often. It's nice having someone call you and wonder about your day, ask you questions...listen. He calls me nice names and doesn't make a joke out of everything. I feel good when he texts me.. It's easy. I guess that makes me ask, is a relationship better when it feels easy and natural, or is it more when its work and fighting for something you want?

heh, that makes me happy :)
The only thing I'm sure about is getting healthy and skinny. Because once I have that, then maybe I can move on from this obsession. I'm tired of being unhappy, because somehow i make everything come back to my weight.
Day three of new diet.. =Mental breakdown. fml

thats what i feel like right now.
No judgments here, pretty lady! I wish you quick results and a tasty yet healthy diet. If you don't like what you're eating, don't eat it! Think about all the things you love like cantaloupes, avocados, mangoes, all the delicious lovely fresh things. Yeah, the fruit has sugar, but it's a healthier kind of sugar that your body has to work harder at to digest. Instead of cookies and hot cocoa for dessert, try chopping some fruit into yogurt or something. I'm sure you'll manage just fine. Best of luck!
ReplyDeleteOh and hey, if you're really thinking lypo, as long as you can get the time off work to recover and it's not too expensive... why not? Nothing like immediate results to boost confidence. :)