iamm drrrunk. haha what a great day. Workjed this morning and then wne tout to coffe with J. Proceded to have a sleep and talk to B. Then decided it was time to get ready to get see H dt!!! I sound so stupid just saying the letters of the people but i believe they desevr they're privacy :) Earls was amazing and they didn't id me so i drank WHITE PEACH BELINIS and heather had rasberry mojiots!!!! sooo amazing. soooo good. then we hung out dt and her friend L decided to join us. I couldn't get into clubs so while i went pee they went and bought a 26 of vodca :) and we drank and L got more fun and less sktchy which was nice haha. Now i need to get friday off so i can go see H and party at her houseeee with all my ppl from richmondd!~~!! After i finally managed to make it to the sea bus (last one!) and go pee (:]) i got to the key and nate called me. He was in NV and said hed come meet me at the quay, but i said he could meet at 3rd and that was it. So i rode my last bus to third and got off and went into subway to get a cookie... (don't ask about my thought process). For about five min there were these three guys staring at me in subway annd i kept looking away being like WTF and when i finally looked it was Mcmordie, aron and christan!! Which was a happy surprise. SO i decided to hang out with them in subway for a while. They decided to give me a ride to 6th to meet up with nate, in which we proceded to walk back down to subway HAHA (i needed more coke.. my alcohol was tasting gross). After a while this girl kept calling nate n bitching so she picked him up and gave me a ride home. And now itsd about 3am, im drunk as shiieet and have to work tomorrow. YEY. And now L and H are planning a trip to come me in the NV :) :) ah haha just reading over this is amusing. But i won't change it because thats what makes it so amazing. I hope everyone had as great and random night as i did!!
remember, if i ever need my ass kicked to call nate.
This song reminds me of tonight :)
Hi, nice blog.