i'm upset today because im having trouble finding photos that really inspire me. I've gone through so many pages of pictures and nothing is really jumping out. Also, I've had a headache since about seven. Oh, happy saint pattys day too. Well after writing a whole page of my thoughts, i realized that since starting this, i got really excited and told a couple of people about it, so now i have to censor what i say. UGH. so it'll probably just be easier to write some lists and add some photos. I'm mad because there were a couple things I was suposed to do today, mainly going to the doctors, and i didn't do it :( My boss is going to be mad.

Im feeling less consumed with emotions, watching my nightly routine of NCIS, Bone and then House. I switched it up a bit tonight though and watched House first hopeing that maybe I'll end up going to bed earlier haha I think I'm going crazy.. I keep hearing this noise coming from my computer that is the sound that comes up when someone's talking to you on fb chat. It's been happening for two days now. C is leaving me in just over 24 hrs :( just another person who's leaving me. I can't wait for everyone to come back from all their stupid vacations. I can't help but wonder if my relationship with my group of friends will be forever changed though. I mean they're going through a lot of things that can be eye opening and life changing that i will have no part of (but at least peter will be in the same boat as me). Which I need to make a better effort to hang out with him next week. Maybe he can come over and play some guitar hero or something? OOORR I think I'll try to organize a pool night with peter, peter, phil and some others. And friday night I`ll be hanging out with H. I just don`t really want to even try to get into a bar though. I don`t need another fake id being taken away from me. Earls is just fine for me :) I`m also quite excited since ive decided to g

o to shuswap for sure with jeff when he goes up! It should be quite a party, and i trust myself now being older and wiser (haha) to not get myself into stupid situations. I value more things now to not put them in jepurdy. And on that note of feeling more mature and happy with my state of mind i will sign off.
oh. p.s
you lieing piece of fucking shit xoxo
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