Anyways, my name is Courtney. I'm a very extroverted person; I'll say what's on my mind and always into meeting new people or learning new things (eventhough I can be very stubborn haha). I mainly made this blog for myself to have somewhere to post photos that inspire me and thoughts that are running around in my head. I like nice people, who do nice things, Nicholas Sparks, pretty pictures, talking, getting intoxicated with special people and my cellular device. The list goes on, but that kind of sums it up... a little bit. Okay, boys, I should also add that to the list, eapecially this one boy :)
I just found this song: Say it again by Marie Digby.. it's prety cute and she has a very sweet voice. (I must warn anyone who does decide to read this that you should be prepared for random thoughts, pictures, quotes, songs or anything else to come out of nowhere, it's what I do) I'm wiating for Bones to come on right now, it's my new crime scene show to replace CSI, I also like Criminal Minds. And with that I'll leave you with one more song: You make my dreams come true by Hall and Oates. It has a fun beat.
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