Well, today has been just a lot of everything. Happy, stressed, dissapointed, hurt, happy again. Slept over at curts house last night. Usually I would care about what Chris would think, but we're both kinda being together and doing out own thing, and suprisinly he was fine with it. It felt good to hang out with him again, I missed him. I was already in breakdown mode as I call it, so we had a few drinks, listened to some music.. and got some awesome hotdogs from the most creepy 711 man I've met so far (he kept winking at me.. I swear! and then curtis didn't believe me).
I'm foccusing more on my friends now, getting myself back.. being me. Not some crazy boy crazed girl.. I don't like her very much. It's time to meet new people and put some interest in my life. I might take a bartending course sometime after my birthday!
Chris played a remix of sleepyhead in the car today which almost took my heart out.. everytime I've heard it I could go back to that exact feeling, which is really scary and uncomfortable. But I just thought.. why not tackle that fear, so I just finished listening to it again. i just have to start doing stuff like that. Criminal minds is my life by the way.
Ya so my work fucked me over today. They are so dumb and disorganized, urgh. But I managed to sort it out and got it all over and done with myself. I went over to Chrises house this morning and fell into one of the deepest sleeps of my life. It was really crazy, I wish I could remember the dream I was having. Then had some food at the keg, did some good ol recerts and called Justin up. Surprisinly he answered and I met up with him and Immy to go see a movie. It was a lot of fun. I've missed Justin, we were super close not to long ago. :)
I have just refound my love for Channing Tatum. The Dilemma.. SO EXCITED. He has tattoos...
Paul once said, "the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference" and although i will be just letting a lot of stuff go.. its not that I don't care, I don't have the energy or want to care about that stuff.
Criminal Minds is AMAZING. So good. I'm glad you're branching out again! can't wait till you're legal. ;)