So basically I've just been to depressed to blog about my life for the past little while. Why might you ask? Because Chris and I broke up, well technically he broke up with me. So I've been doing okay.. The moment of was the worst, it felt like my life was ending. He started off pretty assholeish about it, but half way in I finally got through to him, and i became more civilized. Anyways, since then it's been random texts from his everyday with something new and surprising. And throughout this whole time, I've just wanted one conversation with him.. for closure and to explain some of those texts. It just all feels backwards. He broke up with me.. so shouldn't I be the one who's heart broken and wanting space? But no, that's him. So since he gave me my conversation, I'm going to give him his space and just hope that in a while.. those two years weren't horribly wasted just to loose a good friend in the end.
Alright.. now to my weekend! FRIDAY WAS AWESOME. Just totally fucking awesome. Made me realize the pluses of being single and thankfully way sooner then usual. I walked up 29th hill in the freakin blizzard outside and met up with james and mitch, who then came over to coltons for a bit, and then we truged down to my house later on in the night. All three of us layed in my bed :) and it was like having a sleepover when you're 13 again.. just laughing and being silly. Anyways, they were suposed to go sleep in the rec room.. Did they though? no. haha It was nice after just going through a breakup to be all snuggled up in a bed between two ridiculously hot people.

What else can I tell you? Drew came out on Saturday and partied with Ashlynn, Colton and I. Him and I ended up at mcdicks at about 4am getting free coffee and talking. He's planning on going to work in Alberta for a while this winter which sucks, and then he just causally mentioned he could fly me out there to visit and party for a bit.. which would be awesome. I didn't believe him at first, but when he said he paid 1100 to fly this gf out to see him last year.. well that kinda made me excited :) Boys.. it seems like they are just like flocking to me right now.. or running away haha two extrems.
{I really hate blogspot. It won't let me copy things to this, and it doesn't do spellcheck.. urgh.}
Owen came online last night and asked me out again.. Which made me all jittery and feeling werid. I'm not used to it, and what.. it's only been five days. I told him maybe wait untill after my birthday, then we can go to a bar or something and it would give me more time, and then he asked why we couldn't go now and then. I'm no good at saying no to people.. especially when I haven't delt with a situation like this for a long time. So I've just kinda taken the hard to get root, plus guys like that anyway I hear. I am in NO WAY trying to replace chris or get myself into something else right now, but I don't think one date will kill me, especially if I wait a bit longer. Plus I'm going to say I have no interest in dating for a while. Honestly, realationships are a waste of time and money. You're better off being friends with benefits and not getting yourself into a stupid situation where you're left broken and putting your life backtogether after two years. But then if I did that, I'd probably be considered a slut. I don't trust guys who show interest in me anymore, because of Chris always feeding me lines like "they only want sex" and everything of the sort, I guess people have to proove themselves to me more now? :( Oh well.
Class photos at the Daycare! All the kids are going to be there all dressed up, I can't wait (I also can't fingure out what to wear :S)
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