this is just a place to share my thoughts and pictures that inspire me

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

nice people suck when they're mean -gregory alan elliott

day 2- nine memories you can't leave behind
The one true memory i will never forget is the day my nana managed to say "i love you" just a few days before she passed away. It was one of the most amazing moments of my life. She hadn't even been talking for quite a while before that, but i know she knew how much that ment to me and how much i needed it. i love you too nana, and i think about you every day<3

Christmas dinner at my nana and papas home. he had a joke that comes out of one of those shitty little cracker things. "how did the angel say hello?" and answer was suposed to be "halo" but he decided to make it "hey there asshole". It didnt make any sense at all, but he laughed so hard he cried.. it was hilarious.
.....i will update this more as i think of the mor imporant memories and have time.

holding a grudge is letting someone live rent free in your head.

Friday, October 8, 2010


hey so, the whole no comments on my posts is kind of getting me down. I know that's kind of stupid of me since i won't tell anyone i know about this blog.. or have lied about it a bunch.. but if you're just a random person who happens to stumble across this blog of my life, leave a comment....anything!! haha im in a much better mood today.

well first things first: i've found my future soul mate
what he does.. its just not natural.. how is that at all possible!?

secondly... a guy actually hit on ME today. And not just the regular hey you're hot. nope. the aw shucks.. i wanted to take you out for dinner. Not that that means something to me. Well it does.. but the guy doesn't. It's just a confidence boost, and i really needed it. I'm pretty tired right now, i can't wait for the weekend.

so this is what im going to do on here for the next ten days:
Day 1 - 10 people who have/had impacted your life and why
Day 2 - 9 memories you can’t leave behind
Day 3 - 8 things that are on your mind right now
Day 4 - 7 bad habits
Day 5 - 6 lies
Day 6 - Name 5 ex boyfriends/girlfriends and which one meant the most to you?
Day 7 - 4 phrases you say a lot
Day 8 - 3 confessions
Day 9 - 2 quotes/sayings/songs etc. that keep you motivated
Day 10 - Write about the 1 person you constantly think about. Who’s this person and why?

10 people who have impacted my life.

  • mom and dad.. you're my parents. you're who i've learned from from the very start, and without you two, i wouldn't be here today.

  • nana and papa.. you were my second parents. and papa im considered the "female version of howard pope" and nana, i can't list all the things you've taught me.. that would take me days <3

  • ashlynn.. you've shown me that i can have people in my life that are reliable and honest and trustworthy. and beacuse of you i am a better person in general.

  • chris.. beacause of our relationship, and the mistakes you made with me, i actually managed to realize how i was affecting other people, and totally changed who i was with you beacuse of that.

  • sam...beacuse of you, and the whole group really i grew into a more mature person. it was because of your decisions that made me realize what was important in life, and who really to get upset over. I sincerly don't mean this in a rude way, you helped me become the person that parents trust with their kids, you helped me learn how to deal with people better.

  • shayla.. well without you, and us going through all our crazy styles and fads in life, i wouldnt be the way iam today, and i wouldnt have had the "experiences" without you. and without those experinces, i wouldn't have learned those valuable life lessons.. haha ;)

  • heather.. i can't even put it into words.. you just know me, and you're my my friend ive known for my whole life. we need to hang out more :(

  • peter... you were my first bf out of my circle of friends, and for that i will always know that there is other people out there, i dont have to be comfined to my little world. i miss hanging out with you :(

wow.. that was way harder than i thought it would be.

Monday, October 4, 2010

remorse, fear, passion and anxiety

oh hey. tonights not much better tham the last. Don't feel that my life is just one big shit hole.. It's just that I uaually only end up writing when im upset, or alone.. or upset and alone. It's when I have the most time on my hands. I spent all day today making my bf a present to surprise him with for no good reason.. and he just becomes this major asshole. He doesn't understand where I come from at all becuase he's never been alone in his life. Never had rules put on him.. and now he lives with his brother so he can have whoever over, whenever he feels like it. All the while, I'm stuck in this house that limits me from being the exact person I really am. It also doesn't help theres an unlimited supply of other stuff that doesn't help my current condition. I've decided that I need to go join Jenny Craig. I just need to start saving up a bit of money for it.. I'd love to loose some weight :) What else can I say? I'm not looking forward to swim teaching.. I hate getting into the water, and I hate my body. I really hate my body.

I hate how one day you'll realize, the sweetest words were the fucking lies.
if you really knew me, you'd know i miss him